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Distance Card and Distance Card Reader Proximate Analyzer Indonesia

Proximity cards are widely used by companies that want to control physical areas that can be accessed by their employees. Proximity cards are given to each employee and proximity card readers are installed in the appropriate physical location. Each employee must pass a close card reader proximity to get access to the physical area.

The distance card reader receives information stored on the card, which is then forwarded to the computer network. This is a computer system that will determine whether someone will be given access to restricted areas, or whether access will be denied, depending on the previous configuration. Proximity cards are a form of smart card that controls access.

This smart card offers physical access control, and logical access control. Proximity cards are used in large businesses, because they allow employers to provide access to not only physical areas, but also computer networks, and other resources of the company. The computer network area can be accessed or blocked depending on employee permission. They can also be used for simpler tasks such as web authorization, email encryption, and digital signatures, to name a few.

Prohibited areas may be restricted to the majority of employees, which can be easily implemented with proximity cards; while at the same time providing access to those who should have access. It could also be the opposite.

Proximity readers are relatively easy to install, and they come with an access control system that is proximate analyzer indonesia very easy to use. This is encoded in such a way that it is easy to read and respond to electronic signals sent by the card and received by the reader. Proximity cards don't need to be in direct contact with the reader. You can be one inch from the reader and can still read it. That's why they are often used in parking garages. That said, there are some readers who need a proximity card to come into contact with the magnetic face of the reader.

Remote technology provides many conveniences, especially in door technology. This system allows you to be more than an inch away. It's like walking through an unlocked door, but just the opposite - it's safe like Fort Knox. Credit size cards can be stored in brief briefcases, wallets, purses, or even pockets and when employees walk past the door it automatically opens.

Proximity cards are very versatile, but another reason why they are a big hit in business. You can install it almost anywhere. You can install it at the door to various buildings or building areas, computers, toilets, lunch rooms, and the list goes on. There are actually a number of situations where the proximity system cannot be used. The card reader reads and responds to an electronic signal encoded from a proximity (access) card. And they will only respond to the authorized cards.


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