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Gingivitis and Periodontal Disease Sulfur Analyzer Indonesia

Register periodontal disease as "the reason" Bad Breath and Halitosis are not entirely true. Current research has revealed that it is very appropriate that it is the opposite! The high levels of Volatile Sulfur Compounds (VSCs) in fact allow other contaminants to enter the zone between the teeth and gum line, forming the initial stage of gum disease.

Some research now reveals that bleeding gums can direct the road to heart attack and stroke! Consider this for a moment: You wake up in the morning, move to the bathroom and brush your teeth. After a few strokes, you observe in the mirror or sink, that your gums bleed. But you just ignore it and keep brushing it. Have you ever forgotten bleeding if it came from your eyes, ears or hands? Actually no! Once the bleeding starts, it is a symptom that something is very wrong! It also sulfur analyzer indonesia reveals that your body's protective cover is open and vulnerable to unwanted bacterial and viral attacks.

The skin of the oral cavity is called Oral Mucosa. It is filled with blood vessels and if the bacteria outside and the toxins they produce reach the bloodstream, they die and move throughout your body. What is revealed by the latest International research and what American Dentistry has failed to understand is that Sulfur Compounds produced by anaerobic bacteria are true bite removers in many mouth disorders, from swollen gums and bleeding to Bad Breath (Halitosis), and now as breakthrough. the research shown, ultimately leads to solving problems such as heart disease, stroke, and pneumonia.

Anaerobic Bacteria Make Sulfur Compounds That Allow Toxins To Go To Your Blood Flow By Gums Swelling!

These anaerobic bacteria have the ability to take sulfur compounds from proteins produced when your gums are inflamed and bleeding. Some of these sulfur compounds are known as Thiols. Recent dangerous sulfur compounds have been observed to allow other bacteria and poisons to penetrate below gumline. If your previous gums swell and bleed, these bacterial contaminants may enter your bloodstream and travel throughout your body, the most important to your brain that leads to stroke, or to the heart which leads to a heart attack.

Professors like Robin Seymour and James Steele from the University of Newcastle Dental School in the United Kingdom state that you are less prone to coronary heart disease if you have a fit mouth. Actually, these two experts have analyzed 10 studies since 1965. Two of the main studies, carried out here in the US have extraordinary evidence supporting this point. Their study was reported to the British Dental Journal. Their article confirms that periodontal disease may be as dangerous as smoking and high cholesterol when it comes to heart disease.

As the doctor confirmed, "Communication between certain bacteria in dental plaque and platelets has also been recommended as a cause of the relationship between gum disease and coronary heart disease."

A new 1996 study involving more than 1,100 people observed the incidence of coronary heart disease, fatal coronary disease, and strokes all related to their initial gum status. Of course, smoking and diabetes have been trapped in both Heart Disease and Gum Disease. High sugar consumption and scarcity of fluoride are also associated with tooth decay and gum disease and can be an additional causative aspect for heart attack and stroke.

They recommend that gum disease should be considered a chronic infection. Dr. Seymour stressed that there are many data that now say that chronic infection can be an important starting point for the creation of "atheroma" (degenerative changes in arteries). The relationship between bleeding gums and heart disease and stroke appears most understandable in men aged 40-50 years.


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