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Laboratory Diagnosis and Coxsackie Virus Epidemiology

Virus Recovery
This virus was isolated from washing the throat for the first few days of illness and in stool for the first few weeks. In Coxsackie A21 virus infection, the largest number of viruses is found in nasal secretions. In the case of septic meningitis, strains have been recovered from the cerebrospinal fluid and from the digestive tract. In cases of hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, the A24 virus is isolated from eye washing.

Specimens were inoculated into tissue culture and also in nursing mice. In tissue culture, the cytopathic effect occurs in 5-14 days. In sucking mice, signs of disease usually appear within 3-8 days with group A strains and 5-14 days with group B strains. The virus is identified by the pathological lesions it produces and by immunological means.

Bidding antibodies, which are detected, appear earlier during infection. NT antibodies tend to be specific to viruses that infect and last for years. CF antibodies show cross reactions and disappear within 6 months. Serological tests are difficult to evaluate (due to the large number of types) unless the antigen used in the test has been isolated from certain patients or during epidemic outbreaks. Serum antibodies can also be detected and titrated with immunofluorescence techniques, using infected cell cultures on coverlips as antigens. It can be stored frozen for years.

In humans, Nt and CF antibodies are transferred passively from mother to fetus. Adults have antibodies to more types of Coxsackie virus than children, which shows that many experiences with this virus are common and increase with age.

Viruses from the Coxsackie group have been found throughout the world. Insulation has been made calorimeter indonesia mainly from human excrement, pharyngeal swabs, waste and flies, antibodies for various Coxsackie viruses found in serum collected from people all over the world and in a collection of gamma globulins. The Coxsackie virus recovers more frequently during the summer and early fall. Also, children develop neutralizing and supplementing binding antibodies during the summer, indicating infection by these agents during the summer compared to children who fail to develop Coxsackie virus antibodies.

Important family exposure in the acquisition of infection with the Coxsackie virus. After the virus is inserted into the household, all vulnerable people usually become infected, although all do not develop clinically-visible diseases.

In herpangina, only about 30% of people infected in the household experience facial lesions, others can show mild fever without throat lesions. Viruses have been found in 85% of herpangina patients, in 65% of their neighbors, 40% of family contacts, and 4% of all people in the community. The Coxsackie virus shares many properties with echo and polio viruses because of their similar epidemics. The entero virus can occur together in nature, even on the same human host or the same specimen from fly feces.

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