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Children's Furniture: Choosing Your Children's Furniture

Children's furniture is not easily chosen by adults, and when choosing your child's furniture, it is important to get input from them. If you expect them to live with him for several years, then at least let them say what you bought for them. Even if they can't get what they want, at least they will get input.

Their age is of course closely related to that, and although you can of course choose children's furniture for your 3-year-old child, you will never get away with it for your teenage daughter! Between 3 and 13 - well, it's up to you, but you are advised to involve them no later than 7 years - maybe earlier depending on their maturity.

All you have to remember is that once you let them have a say in their furniture, they will also want to choose their clothes, and their newfound freedom of choice might even be expanded by having a Big Mac or KFC every day rather than 'food makes sense! So be wise, and explain that they have a large convex mirror  voice, but you will make a final choice (ho-ho!).

So maybe you should just forget about it and just make a choice - then get your kids' approval. That's probably the most stressful way to choose your children's furniture. That's agreed, what options do you have with children's furniture. What can you offer them that they will accept and think you are the best parent in the world?

Children's Furniture: The Problem

We will usually talk about room furniture here, though they might want their own chairs or a small sofa in the living room. However, focus on the bedroom and worry about the rest later. Children need lots of storage space, and that is the first argument they will offer to have a messy room - "I have no place to put things. You never get new furniture where I can put my stuff!"

Your argument: "OK, if I get you new furniture will make your room neat?"
"Yes mother! (Or father)" - Many parents are so naive to believe that! However, you have pushed the offer and that is the first step. Next is to decide what children's furniture to buy.

You want: Something functional, reasonable and strong that will hold children and give them plenty of storage space.
They want: Something funky that spends a lot of money so they can boast to their friends, and also that allows them to stay overnight.

What is available to you that makes both ends of the spectrum happy? Here are some ideas that you can both agree on.

Children's Furniture Options

Storage is very important for children of all ages, whether they are aged 2, 12 or 22! You have two types of storage, and maybe three: their clothes, their 'stuff' and maybe also a bed - bed linen, pillowcases and so on. It does not have to be stored in their room, and generally it should not be included in the equation.

Crate: A drawer chest is very important for smaller sized clothes. Dressers with mirrors will be very important for young girls, and you may be able to combine cupboards and chests with encouragement, depending on your child's age.

Cabinets: A wardrobe, or cupboard with two doors and shelves rather than drawers, will be useful for children, especially if they don't have to be used for clothes. They can use it for their goods, whatever that is. It's amazing what can be put in a 5 foot high cupboard that is equipped with a shelf. The wardrobe might be just as good, although it's probably best for young teens who will use it for Distressed convex mirror clothing rather than toys.

Ottoman: Ottoman with a lid is ideal for beer toys or even for beds. Many so-called backrests are nothing more than footrests, but a true backrest will be more than a storage box for children and doubles as a spare seat.

Bed: A comfortable bed is an important item of children's furniture. However, make sure you have underbed storage in the form of a drawer or large box on wheels. Even teens will need as much storage space as possible.


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