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Choosing Work Driving Truck Parts

In part one of our series, Choosing a Trucking Job Part I: Factors Affecting All Companies, we talk about various factors and considerations that will affect your experience at the company where you work.

In the second part of our series, "Choosing a Trucking Job Part II: You and" Your People "Are the Most Important Factors", we talk about surrounding yourself with the right people, understanding the factors that influence the delivery of goods that are you will get, and the things you can do to put yourself in the best position to succeed.

In the third section, "Choosing a Trucking Job Part III: How Your Family and Lifestyle Will Influence Your Choices", we consider your personality and lifestyle. Are you married? Do you have children? Do you like adventure? How long do you want to be away from home? All of these questions are included in the process of selecting the right truck driving job.

In section 4, "Choosing a Trucking Job Part IV: Advantages of Large Transportation Companies", we of course talk about the advantages of working in large freight companies.

In section 5, "Choosing a Trucking Job Part V: Comparing Large Transport Companies to Small Companies", we compare jobs with companies of different sizes.

Now, in section 6, we will talk about a number of different types of work that you will find there and how each will affect your life on the road.

Basically, you will find five types of trailers that you can pull - dry, cooled (reefer), flatbeds, doubles, and tankers. Because we are more focused on new or inexperienced drivers, we will not talk about double problems now. Most companies that are doubly attractive need more experience, so for most of you who read this series, the work really won't apply to you first. So let's discuss the other four and talk a little about the lifestyle you can expect from each of them. In this section we will discuss dry and cooled vans, in section 7 we will discuss tankers and flatbeds.

Dry Vans Carrier

Dry van is the most commonly found trailer out there. They are large, empty boxes - plain and simple. There is no temperature control or anything like that. There are more dry van companies than dump truck hino any other type of company, and therefore you will find the widest range of opportunities in this field. Because of the many companies that pull these trailers, they are also the most difficult to define in a general way - there are many types of jobs and lifestyles in this category.

Dry van jobs tend to offer the greatest opportunities for those who prefer regional, special and local vehicles over long distances, rather than road works. A large number of these companies, especially large companies, have local, regional and over-the-road divisions within the company. This, of course, is one of the reasons I prefer the larger dry van company. For example, maybe you decide you want to run on the road and you go three weeks at a time. Well, a year later you meet the girl of your dreams and you want to go home more often to meet her. In many large companies, it's not too difficult to switch to regional jobs that get you home on weekends, or maybe even local jobs that get you home every night.

Most of the time you will not unload the trailer. There will be times when you have to do a little manual work, and how often it depends on each company itself. But as a general rule, you will not touch many items. And you will carry anything. From diapers, sulfuric acid, dog food, to magazines. If you can put it in a box and move it, then you will transport it!

Operator cooled

Refrigerated companies can transport temperature-sensitive goods, or dry goods, and you will usually get one each from time to time. Being able to transport both types of goods gives refrigeration companies more flexibility with their goods. But make no mistake about it - they make better money with their temperature sensitive shipments, so that is their main focus.

Having worked for a refrigerated transport company before, the first thing I thought of was a wholesale warehouse and a farmers market. God help me! The grocery storehouse is a nightmare! Sometimes, so does the farmers market. Over the years of driving, these places have always confused me. Baha industry


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