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Mirror, Mirror on the Wall - Are You a Cure-All Feng Shui?

'8 House Mirror,' the title of one of the oldest classic Feng Shui books, refers to the 8 trigrams / direction of Yi Jing and how Xuan Kong's calculations reveal the potential of buildings as clearly as if reflected in a mirror. The mirror metaphor in the title and the fact that ancient Feng Shui Masters used mirrors as a LOGAL element drug is most likely why recent books suggest that mirrors are Feng Shui "medicine for all."

Unlike old-fashioned mirrors, which are made of thick pieces of very fine metal ... our modern mirrors don't have more metal in them than aluminum cans. Classical Feng Shui neutralizes the energy of sabotage with one of the 5 elements. Metal drugs have always been and will always be the most widely used of the 5 elements. Where Xuan Kong's calculations in your home reveal that you do need a Metal solution, today you will use a watch key or metal furniture or artwork that blends with convex mirror your decoration.

The 8 trigrams and 5 elements of Yi Jing are usually represented in an 8-sided layout, which in Chinese is called BaGua ... which means 8 parts. There is nothing magical about the BaGua symbol, mirror or anything that has 8 sides. Hanging the BaGua symbol (with or without a mirror) above your door or placing it on your floor plan is not the purpose of using the BaGua diagram. Traditional BaGua diagrams are more teaching tools, similar to textbooks with information encoded about universal energy patterns ... not the energy patterns of each building.

Yi Jing teaches that all energy patterns are different and constantly changing, which is why ... there is no "one size for all" answer or solution in classical Feng Shui or Acupuncture, which is a complex Chinese science with the same root. with Feng Shui.

Unfortunately, most popular Feng Shui books are written about people's beliefs, which vary from book to book and are very confusing. As in any culture, the beliefs of the Chinese people differ from one region to another and from generation to generation. This people's trust is intended not to endanger; but in certain years because they try to oversimplify very complex science, they can backfire and actually cause damage.

At present the only use of Feng Shui from our modern mirrors is to make small spaces appear larger or reflect more light into dark areas. However, there are still some Feng Shui reasons to be careful where you place a mirror in your home.

In classical Feng Shui, much emphasis is also placed on Yin / Yang Theory of Jing Jing. For example, the very bright environment of Yang causes headaches, rapid temperament and easily disturbed emotions. On the other hand, a room / environment that is too Yin or dark produces despair, pessimism, and fatigue. To avoid such problems, you want a balance between Yin and Yang in your inner and outer environment.

Yin is basically cold and passive, while Yang is hot and active. In terms of physics, Yin is internal attraction and Yang is the external driving force. Cold objects or Yin often have the ability to contract. Hot objects or those that generally maintain the ability to develop.

The BIG MIRROR in your room expands or stirs up the Qi which keeps you awake. The mirror reflects light, which is yang or active energy. Reflecting mirror light makes the Qi in your room more active. However, you want the Qi in your bedroom to be more Yin or silent, and therefore, calm down. If you have a big mirror in your room, when you turn off the lights at night ... you will throw and turn around until the Qi becomes enough for you to sleep. To sleep well, you want to cover or large convex mirror remove a large mirror in your room.

To avoid triggering 'Lonely Pillow Syndrome,' which causes you to remain single or sleep separately from your partner ... You must keep the mirror away from your 'Lonely Pillow' direction / 15 ° ... from the right magnetic center throughout the house / unit You and from the magnet center of your room. A large mirror or mirrored cabinet door in your bedroom increases the chance of activating your 'Lonely Pillow'.


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