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Lifted Truck Safety Features

Trucks have a variety of types and features. The trucks are created according to utility and industry requirements. The heavy machinery and construction industry requires heavy trucks that can make heavy machinery and equipment moved. This requirement gave birth to one of the most attractive types of trucks, lifting trucks. Lifting trucks are trucks that have large and giant bodies with hydraulic machines that can lift heavy equipment and goods and can move it to the desired place.


In the 1970s, the modification of Pickup trucks began and in the later decades, massive and massive structure trucks were discovered with high profile features. These trucks are used mainly for mud and truck pulling. Seeing wider popularity and trends, truck owners and haulers began creating trucks known as lift trucks. These trucks have giant wheels on them which make the truck said to be the "biggest truck" ever. These trucks are very similar to Bigfoot trucks and Monster trucks that were seen quite often in those days. In the initial stages of the truck, the truck has 48 inch diameter wheels.

Safety features

Because these trucks are quite tall and large, they must be dressed with adequate safety features and so are the trucks that are lifted. Bumper height is too high than trucks or other vehicles. This height forces engineers to ensure safety features for truck drivers. The average bumper height of a dump truck hino being lifted is 20 inches higher than a car bumper. At such a high altitude, it becomes very difficult to ensure that the lanes change and drive on the city's small streets. The ability to drive and truck performance is quite unique and requires special drivers too. In many countries, truck drivers who are appointed are given a special license after getting a special test drive. A big risk factor is truck braking because large vehicles like that require a lot of pressure and braking effort. To have proper and efficient braking, the suspension needs to be better and smarter.

Here are some safety tips that should be considered while driving or even when the truck is not moving.


Improving the brake system is very important because the size of the wheels and tires is higher thus increasing the size of the calipers and rotors. The wheel diameter is large enough to increase the distance of the tire from the center axle. The caliper pad needs to be slowed down to brake the wheel rotation.

Drive shaft of Pinion Angle

Vehicle drive shaft is quite important when the vehicle is lifted. The ideal pinion angle measurement is to get an angle between the pinion angles of 2-1 / 2 degrees. The U connection from the operation parameter forces the normal parameter to extend the connection which can fail if U is forced beyond the normal force. Spacers must therefore be used fairly well by matching the leveling that can make driving pleasure above.

Shock Absorbers

In such a giant truck, braking needs to get more than efficient if not driving can result in shocks, shocks and shocks !! To make this truck safer from these shocks, the Mono Tube shocks are mounted with a reservoir cylinder which is used primarily for improving off road performance. The shock absorber is mounted on the vehicle frame from one side when the suspension is mounted of the other size. Shocks are quite dangerous because they can reduce the spring action of the vehicle. The inside cylinder of the truck, the outer cylinder reservoir and the piston rods of the vehicle are also installed in the truck to ensure driver safety.

These are some of the lifted truck safety features. These features need to be periodically confirmed by the user to ensure driver safety.


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