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Passing CCNA and CCNP: Cisco Home Lab FAQ

There is a real revolution today between CCNA and CCNP candidates. More and more of you are turning around using "router simulators" and putting CCNA and / or your CCNP Home Lab together, which is the best way to truly prepare to pass this difficult Cisco exam.

I get hundreds of emails every month from CCNA and CCNP candidates who are creating their first lab or adding to existing ones. I am always happy to help with advice, and I think I will list five general questions about home laboratories here.

Do I have to spend thousands of dollars?

No! There are vendors all over the web, and also on ebay, who sell used Cisco routers and switch to Cisco exam candidates like you every day. They sell kits that consist of several routers and switches, as well as single routers and switches. You can add one piece at a time, or make a bigger investment. You can spend only a few hundred dollars and put together a very good laboratory.

What is "access server"?

It doesn't sound like that. When I first heard the term, I thought of the typical server as we see it on idexx indonesia the LAN every day. The access server is actually a Cisco router that allows you to connect to a number of routers and other switches without constantly moving the coiled cables.

You don't have to have an access server right away, but once you add some routers and switch back to your lab, you will be bored of moving rollover cables from the console port to the console port. (The console port is used to connect your PC directly to the router.) You will find the access server easy to set up and configure, and will save you time.

What is a "frame relay switch"?

Again, this is not what it sounds like. Frame relay switches are not switches; it is a Cisco router that has been configured to function as a frame relay provider in your home laboratory.
This is very close to being a "must" for your home laboratory. You don't need it right away if your budget only allows one or two routers to start. To really practice frame relay statements and see the effects of different frame relay statements, you will need a Cisco router to function as a frame switch. Once again, the configuration is easy, and having a relay frame switch in your home laboratory will give you practice that will be invaluable on exam day.

Do I need a switch? What switch should I buy?

I suggest you get at least one switch in your lab; two if your budget allows. Make sure at least one of your switches has iOS; 1900 switches don't have iOS and while they are better than no switches, they won't give you the training you need to pass CCNA and CCNP. Look at 2500 family switches.

I want to build my CCNP laboratory and then use it for CCIE. What should I buy?

It's impossible to know what technology and devices will be in the CCIE lab, even if you open CCNP and then take IE within six months. Cisco refreshes the CCIE lab blueprint every six months, and various technologies can be taken from the lab. While Cisco gives many notifications that this change will take effect, it can be a big problem in your wallet if Cisco takes something from the test after you spend a bundle to add it to your lab.

For example, Cisco is in the process of removing ISDN and ATM from CCIE Routing & Switchin


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